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The HOTEL and the RESTAURANT Le Macine are borned from a long tradition of hospitality
from family Casagrande in Vittorio Veneto.

In 2006 stronged by consensus and fruitfull experencies in the restaurant business
Adriano tenaciously accomplished, with his brohter Giuseppe,
the restoration of this complex to bring to the city a structure
that can blend an original style with peculiary suggestive location.


The choice of a refined style, but not formal and at the same time elegant, sober and lively
distinguished for both the environment and the welcomness, the service and most of all the dishes.

A really unique and suggestive location,

the Ristaurant is locate on a small island in the center of the fiume Meschio river
the wets both sides of the garden, giving a pleasurfull climate in every season,
those are the rooms of the ancient mill whose wheel continues to spin like in the past.

You are welcome by the anctient millstones of the mill, ripositioned during the restoration,
at the entrance of his distinguished bridge in local pink stone,
that links the building with more ancient square born

from the archeo-industrial recovery of della parte twentieth century part of the complex
where has been built the modern e luminous hotel.